Easy3Dflex 4 kg

26.00 (21.49 excl. VAT)

Easy 3D Flex is an organic powder which when mixed with Powertex can be used to create many textures and effects and a clay which is designed to crack as it drys.

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exture paste:mix Powertex and Easy3Dflex on canvas or pour some Powertex in a plastic container and add some
Easy3Dflex. Use a spatula or stick to stir the mixture until it has the consistency of scrambled egg. For application to a surface with a spatula, the mixture shouldn’t be too runny.
Apply your texture with the spatula onto stretched canvas or another surface. A liquid consistency can be used as a base coat, or to make wiry textures. Spray some Bister onto the wet texture layer if you wish to add colour and more cracks.
Modelling clay:
When you add more Easy3Dflex to the texture paste, the mixture will become a solid clay.
This clay can be used to sculpt weather proof pieces. The clay will crack as well while drying. This modelling clay is ideal to add texture to by pressing stamps or stencils into the wet clay.
The results are very precise and stunning. Mix Powertex and Easy3Dflex into a soft and pliable clay that doesn’t stick to your gloves anymore. You can add texture and precise printing to this clay by pressing stamps or stencils into it.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg


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