Bister liquid Natural Brown 100 ml


Powertex Bister is a ready mixed water-based liquid patina to use in combination with Powertex textile hardener. Bister is not waterproof and always needs to be finished with Easy Varnish.

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The easiest way to use bister:
Poor some bister in a spray bottle.
Poor a small amount of Powertex Ivory, Ocher or Terracotta in the middle of a stretched canvas.
Spread the Powertex over the canvas with a spatula, make sure you have differences in thickness.
Spray one or more colours of bister (see coloured bister) next to or on top of each other. Carefully dry the layers with a blow dryer; start on the thinnest layers, then slowly move to the thicker ones.
You will see the cracks appear immediately.
When everything is dry, it is possible to remove some of the bister with a damp sponge.
Be careful not to wipe away too much bister from the cracked surfaces.
Important: bister is not water resistant and needs a protective layer of varnish before going outside.
Paintings with bister need to be protected as well, preferably with a layer of varnish from a spray can.

Additional information


100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml


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